the 209th Annual Report 2023-2024
Welcome to the athenÆum
As an historic and vibrant Philadelphia-centered and member-supported circulating library, research archive and cultural forum, The Athenæum of Philadelphia dedicates our expert staff, our collections of books, art and architecture treasures and our National Historic Landmark building to strengthen our growing community through ideas, cultural engagement and fellowship. Dive into our 209th Annual Report and see how we fulfilled our mission.

Neighborhood Outreach
Uncovering History
Reading Rooms
Tailored Tours
Unique Perspectives
Research Support
Inspiring Imagination
Nurturing Knowledge
Gallery Exhibitions
Curated Collections
Uncovering Philadelphia
Reading Opportunities
Innovative Programming
Opening Minds
Speaker Series
Informed Discussions
Timeless Teaching
Your Library
Nurturing Curiosity

Nurturing Curiosity

Nurturing Curiosity
Nurturing Curiosity
Board President's and
Executive Director's Message
Dear Athenæum Shareholders, Subscribers and Friends:
We are pleased to report that there are more of you – Athenæum Shareholders, Subscribers, Young Friends, Students and visitors – than in many decades. The Athenæum has become an anchor in Philadelphia for those seeking an exciting and nurturing learning community. We are a home for talented artists and writers and an inspirational third place for remote workers and students. We have become a preferred meeting place for friends seeking our unique social and cultural blend. We remain a clean, well-lighted place with books and important collections for our many readers and researchers.
Both new and long-term members are actively enjoying the many benefits of belonging to The Athenæum. While our new sign-in protocol is helping staff to more accurately record building usage, it is clear from the flow of people through the building, the full houses at programs, RDIC and research appointments and library circulation data that our numbers are at historic highs. This past year, we averaged 1,000 visits per month, more than double our pre-pandemic numbers.
We welcomed 572 new members in FY2024. If people were divisible, that would be more than 1.5 new members per day. Many of our members report learning about The Athenæum through a friend, neighbor or colleague. Your enthusiasm for your library inspires others to become a part of our community. Thank you for sharing your joy!
Our Board of Directors and professional staff take seriously our directive to support the mission of The Athenæum by providing the highest quality of programs and services to our members and the interested public. Contained in this report are highlights from this past year: the books you read, programs and events you enjoyed, special collection accessions we made and stewardship efforts toward our building and finances. Most importantly, this 209th Annual Report is our opportunity to thank you, from the deep wells of our hearts, for your continued contributions, support and encouragement of our efforts to nurture curiosity and strengthen community through learning and discourse.
At the Annual Shareholders Meeting last April, the Board recognized the contributions of four outgoing Directors: past Presidents Mr. Robert Linck (since 1982) and Mrs. Lea Sherk (since 1985), and Dr. Joan Countryman and the Hon. Gregory Montanaro, who both joined the Board in 2018. The Shareholders approved Ms. Nora Barry, Mr. P. Justin Detwiler, Dr. Mary Hawkesworth, Ms. Kelly Lee and Ms. Lucy Strackhouse as new Directors. We are grateful to all of them for agreeing to serve and are energized by the skills, focus and passion of our full Board. At the same time, we extend our sympathies to the families and friends of Robert Linck and Director Emeriti Francis R. Grebe, who passed away early in the start of the current fiscal year 2025.
May you find in the following pages information to better illuminate this exciting chapter in The Athenæum’s history. It is with pleasure that we present to you the 209th Annual Report illustrating the accomplishments of the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
With appreciation,
Jeffrey Cooper
Board President
Beth Shalom Hessel
Executive Director

Justin Detwiler

Nora Barry

Lucy Strackhouse

Kelly Lee

The Athenæum has everything one would look for in an intellectual community - beautiful esthetic, strong coffee, events on an array of topics to learn from. Plus everyone here is interesting, kind, smart, inspiring and full of curiosity.
Kera Sloan, Member since 2022